Geographic Information Science (GIS) uses computer-based tools that organize and display geographic information, i.e., information linked to geographic coordinates. GIS links maps to the underlying data such as population, income, property values, tax rates, crime rates and voting patterns, among many others. GIS allows you to explore the presence of spatial trends and patterns, why they exist where they do, and how those trends and patterns evolve with time.

Geographic Information Science
Career Opportunities
- Geographer
- Anthropologist
- Cartographer
- Photogrammetrist
- Geoscientist
- Market Research Analyst
- Sociologist
- Survey And Mapping Technician
- Surveyor
- Urban And Regional Planner
Contact Information
Undergraduate Programs
Minor in Geographic Information Science
The minor in Geographic Information Science is an eighteen-credit program that introduces ArcGIS software, digital mapping, and applications of GIS to project planning and management.
Graduate Programs
Geographic Information Science Certificate Program
The 10-13 credit certificate program prepares professionals to enter the field of GIS or become more proficient with these tools. Coursework reinforces digital mapping skills, spatial analysis, and applications of GIS and remote sensing to diverse fields such as environmental science and public health.