The Montclair State Mathematics program provides students with a spectrum of courses in pure and applied mathematics that establish a mathematician’s mentality. Studying mathematics can lead to a variety of exciting professional careers in basic research, engineering, finance, business and government service. Our math majors also go on to fulfilling careers as high school and middle school teachers.

Career Opportunities
- Mathematician
- Actuary
- Computer Programmer
- Computer Systems Analyst
- Database Administrator
- Market Research Analyst
- Operations Research Analyst
- Teacher
- Statistician
- Survey Researcher
Contact Information
Undergraduate Programs
BS in Mathematics Major
A minimum of 120 credits of coursework is required for the baccalaureate degree with a minimum 2.0 overall GPA, and a minimum 2.0 major GPA. However, more than 120 credits may be required depending upon the major field of study.
BS in Mathematics (Combined BS/MA in Social Research and Analysis)
A Combined Degree program enables undergraduate students to enroll in graduate courses in their senior year, which can be counted towards the completion of both their Bachelor’s and Master’s degree requirements.
BS in Mathematics (Combined BS/MAT with Teacher Certification in Mathematics (Preschool-Grade 12) and Teacher of Students with Disabilities)
The Dual Degree Dual Certification program is a 5-year program that leads to teacher certification in Mathematics (grades P-12), teacher certification in Teacher of Students with Disabilities, a baccalaureate degree and a master’s degree.
BS in Mathematics (Combined BS/MS Statistics)
With a combined program, up to 12 credits can be applied towards undergraduate and graduate degrees, all at undergraduate tuition rates, a savings of over $250 per credit! The combined degree programs are an attractive, efficient and fast-track option for students who intend to pursue advanced studies.
BS in Mathematics (Combined BS/MAT with Teacher Certification in Grades K-6 and Teacher of Students With Disabilities)
With a combined program, up to 12 credits can be applied towards undergraduate and graduate degrees, all at undergraduate tuition rates, a savings of over $250 per credit! The combined degree programs are an attractive, efficient and fast-track option for students who intend to pursue advanced studies.
BS in Mathematics with Teacher Certification in Elementary School Teacher in Grades K-6
Students must complete 42 credits of General Education requirements and 3-9 credits of World Languages and Cultures Requirements.
BS in Mathematics, Mathematics Education Concentration with Teacher Certification in Mathematics (Preschool – Grade 12)
Students who wish to pursue P-12 teacher certification must apply to and be admitted to the Teacher Education Program.
Minor in Mathematics
The minor in Mathematics is a nineteen-credit program that has coursework in Calculus, Linear Algebra, Geometry, and more.
Graduate Programs
PhD in Mathematics Education
The PhD program in Mathematics Education prepares students for careers as mathematics educators at two- and four-year colleges, mathematics curriculum developers, researchers, leaders in school districts and educational agencies, and research-based teachers in the classrooms.
MS in Mathematics
The MS degrees in Mathematics with concentrations in computer science, pure and applied mathematics, and statistics provide students with the advanced material needed for positions of leadership in business, industry and government as well as for teaching at the high school and community college level.
MS in Mathematics, Mathematics Education Concentration
The MS degrees in Mathematics with concentrations in computer science, pure and applied mathematics, and statistics provide students with the advanced material needed for positions of leadership in business, industry and government as well as for teaching at the high school and community college level.
MA in Teaching Middle Grades Mathematics
The primary objective of the Certificate in Teaching Middle School Mathematics is to increase the mathematical knowledge and related pedagogical skill of New Jersey middle grade mathematics teachers.
Instructional Certification – Subject Area Certification (Preschool – Grade 12)
Students with a baccalaureate degree who are interested in teaching may pursue the Post-baccalaureate program for initial teacher certification.
Mathematics, Instructional Certification: Teacher Certification in Elementary School with Subject Matter Specialization: Mathematics Grades 5-8
Students with a baccalaureate degree who are interested in teaching may pursue the Post-baccalaureate program for initial teacher certification.
Teaching Middle Grades Mathematics Certificate Program
This five-course certificate program is specifically designed to provide teachers with the background and education they need to effectively teach today’s recommended curriculum.