Daily Crime and Fire Log
The daily crime log is provided in accordance with the regulations set out under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. The purpose of the daily crime log is to record all criminal incidents and alleged criminal incidents that are reported to campus police or designated Campus Security Authorities (CSA).
The crime log includes the incident case number, the date reported to the police, the date of the incident, a general description of the incidents, the general location, and the disposition of the case. Angelo State has divided the crime log into incidents reported to police and incidents reported to CSA’s. Incidents in the log are by the date and time reported and may not be in sequential order.
The crime log includes incidents that occurred on campus, in or on non-campus buildings or property, public property within the campus or immediately adjacent and accessible from the campus, and reports of crimes that occurred within campus police patrol jurisdiction. Our institution is not required to update the disposition of a crime log entry if the disposition changes after 60 days have passed.
The purpose of the fire log is to record all fires occurring in campus residential halls. The log includes the location, date and time the fire was reported, date and time the fire occurred and a description and cause of the fire.
Information may be temporarily withheld if there is clear and convincing evidence that the release of information would jeopardize an ongoing investigation, or the safety of an individual, cause a suspect to flee or evade detection, or result in the destruction of evidence.
Questions regarding the crime and fire log should be directed to the ASU Police Department at 325-942-2071 or clery@800arrows.com.
Police Disposition Definitions:
- Active – case is actively being investigated.
Case Closed – case investigated and no further action will be taken.
Cleared by Arrest – case closed with an arrest of at least one involved. - Referred to Title IX – case referred to the Office of Title IX Compliance for review.
- Referred to Student Affairs – case referred to Student Affairs for review.
- Unfounded - case investigated by sworn police personnel and found to be false or baseless.
CSA Disposition Definitions:
- Closed – No Police Involvement – case was submitted by a CSA and did not involve law enforcement.
- Referred to Title IX – case has been submitted by a CSA, but has also been referred to the Title IX office by the reporting person.
- Referred to Student Conduct – case has been submitted by a CSA, has also been referred to the Student Conduct office by the reporting person.
- No Entries - There are no entries to report.