Calculate your estimated cost, including tuition 和 fees, room 和 board, 和 other expenses. Enter your financial aid amounts to find out what you will owe.
秋天 | 春天 | 一年 | |
Number of hours you plan to take |
These are the costs that will appear on your student bill. 使用十大最大的网络彩票平台的 学费估计量 to estimate your cost based on number of hours 和 living plans.
秋天 | 春天 | 一年 | |
学费和杂费 | |||
Housing (Room cost) | |||
Meal Plan (Board cost) | |||
宣传成本 Total |
These are additional costs, not billed by ASU, that you may incur as a student. If you do not know how to estimate these, you may use our default values.
秋天 | 春天 | 一年 | |
Books 和 Supplies |
运输 |
Miscellaneous Expenses |
其他费用 Total |
Total Estimated 成本
This is the total estimated cost of attendance before any financial assistance.
秋天 | 春天 | 一年 | |
成本 |
奖助金 & 奖学金
奖助金 和 奖学金 are considered “gift aid” 和 do not require repayment. Use your Financial 援助 Award Letter or your Financial 援助 Information in RamPort to find out these amounts.
秋天 | 春天 | 一年 | |
ASU Distinguished Scholarship 和 other 奖学金 from ASU | |||
Federal 奖助金 (Pell Grant 和 others) | |||
State 奖助金 (TEXAS/TPEG/RAM) | |||
Other 奖学金, Exemptions, Waivers | |||
奖助金 & 奖学金 Total |
Estimated 净成本
This is the amount that you will pay or borrow money to pay to attend school. It is also the amount you should use when comparing your cost for different schools you might be thinking about attending.
秋天 | 春天 | 一年 | |
净成本 |
贷款 can help you pay for the remaining cost of your education, but remember that loans must be repaid. Borrow only what you need to cover what you cannot pay during the time you are in school. Use your Financial 援助 Award Letter or your Financial 援助 Information in RamPort to find out these amounts.
秋天 | 春天 | 一年 | |
Federal Direct Loan Subsidized | |||
Federal Direct Loan Unsubsidized | |||
Federal Parent PLUS Loan | |||
其他贷款 | |||
贷款总 |
Estimated 所欠金额*
This is the amount that you will still owe after all grants, 奖学金, 和 loans have been applied. If you cannot or choose not to borrow enough to cover the cost of your education, you may be eligible for work study/student employment 或者一个 分期付款购物.
秋天 | 春天 | 一年 | |
所欠金额 |
* This tool is intended to provide an estimate of the costs you will incur as a student at Angelo State University per semester for the term selected. The totals provided here, including any potential refunds, are an estimate only 和 should not be considered your official guaranteed costs.
As a student, you may also incur additional charges not listed here. Refer to the Controller’s Office website for a full list of tuition 和 fees. Refer to the Residential Programs website for more information about residence hall rates 和 膳食计划费率.
学费 和 fees are subject to change by the Texas Legislature or the Board of Regents, Texas Tech University System.