1101/GEOL 1101地球科学实验室(0-2). 该实验室是为地质学1301设计的. This laboratory will include experiments involving topics such as: rocks and minerals, 流, 海洋, 地下水, 天气, 气候, 板块构造论, 自然灾害. Concurrent enrollment in, or credit for, 地质 1301 is required.
1103/GEOL 1103物理地质实验室(0-2). Laboratory activities designed to accompany 地质 1303. The laboratory includes experiments over topics such as Earth materials, 结构, 地形, 矿产资源, 板块构造学.
1104/GEOL 1104历史地质实验室(0-2). Laboratory activities designed to accompany 地质 1304. The laboratory includes experiments involving the interpretation of four billion years of Earth history recorded in rocks, including evolutionary changes and the use of fossils in time and space.
1191新生研究. This course is for those who have received a freshman re海rch grant. This course fulfills the first semester of that re海rch.
1301/GEOL 1301地球科学(3-0). An introduction to the study of the Earth including the 大气, 岩石圈, 水圈, 和冰冻圈. The course will cover general overview of topics such as: rocks and minerals, 流, 海洋, 地下水, 天气, 气候, 板块构造论, 自然灾害. Concurrent enrollment in, or credit for, 地质 1101 is required.
1303/GEOL 1303物理地质(3-0). Earth materials, 结构, 地形, 矿产资源, and the processes that form them. Includes 板块构造论 and how humans are affected by Earth processes.
1304/GEOL 1304历史地质(3-0). Application of geological principles to interpret four billion years of Earth history recorded in rocks. Includes evolutionary changes and the use of fossils in time and space.
1347/GEOL 1347气象学(3-0). 介绍大气特性, 控制天气和气候的物理过程, and interactions between the 大气 and the other components of the Earth system.
1391新生研究II. This course is for those who have received a freshman re海rch grant. This course fulfills the second semester of that re海rch.
1401/GEOL 1401地球科学(3-2). An introduction to the study of the Earth including the 大气, 岩石圈, 水圈, 和冰冻圈. The course will cover general overview of topics such as: rocks and minerals, 流, 海洋, 地下水, 天气, 气候, 板块构造论, 自然灾害.
1403/GEOL 1403物理地质(3-2). Earth materials, 结构, 地形, 矿产资源, and the processes that form them. Includes 板块构造论 and how humans are affected by Earth processes.
1404/GEOL 1404历史地质(3-2). Application of geological principles to interpret four billion years of Earth history recorded in rocks. Includes evolutionary changes and the use of fossils in time and space.
3102野外地质方法(0-3). 介绍地质制图技术. Tools used include Brunton compass, aerial photographs, and field notebook. Techniques will be applied to construct a geologic map during a required field trip over Spring Break. Should be taken immediately before taking Field 地质 (GEOL 3600).
水文地质学概论(3-0). A quantitative overview of the hydrologic cycle including both surface and 地下水 hydrology. 主题包括地表水, 含水层性质, 地下水, 建模, 人类对水资源的利用和滥用, 污染, 和提取.
前提条件:地质学1303/1103 or 1304/1104 and Mathematics 1314.
3303环境地质(3-0). This course emphasizes the complex physical relations between land, 海, 大气, 人类活动. 主题包括地质灾害, 土地管理, 水资源, 危险废物处置, 能源资源, 矿产资源, 节约资源, 海洋科学.
前提条件:地质学1303/1103 or 1304/1104 and Mathematics 1314.
3304地貌学(3-0). 地貌学是对物理的研究, 化学, and biological processes that occur on the surface of a planetary body. 本课程的重点是起源, development and relationship of 地形 created by fluvial, 冰川, 风成, 喀斯特作用.
3308物理海洋学(3-0). 海洋学概念介绍, 包括海洋的物理地质环境, atmospheric influences and the 大气-ocean interface, 热带过程, 海岸地质过程, thermodynamic processes related to waves and currents, 生物海洋学.
3310地球化学(3-0). An introduction to the field of Geochemistry including topics of traditional rock Geochemistry, 水地球化学, and Isotope Geochemistry using data collection and 建模 techniques and scientific software.
Prerequisites: Chemistry 1311/1111 and 地质 1303/1103.
3371测绘基础(3-0). 概览测绘的概念和术语. Application of geomapping (GIS: Geographic Information Systems) software to analyze geological information. Topics include relational databases, spatial data analysis, and digital mapping.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or permission from instructor.
3400矿物学与岩石学(3-3). Description, classification, and interpretation of igneous and metamorphic rocks. 解释包括构造背景, 形成过程, 压力-温度条件. 实验室工作包括手样描述, examination of thin sections under a petrographic microscope, 实地考察.
3402沉积学(3-3). 涵盖创建的过程, 存款, 成岩作用改变了沉积物, as well as the description of sedimentary rocks and related sedimentary 结构s.
3411构造地质学(3-3). A study of ways rocks and continents deform by faulting and folding, methods of picturing geologic 结构s in three dimensions, 以及变形的原因. Includes a weekend field trip project and an introduction to geographic information systems (GIS).
3600野外地质(0-12). A five or six week summer field course on geologic mapping techniques. Techniques emphasized: measuring stratigraphic sections, 收集和绘制褶皱和断层数据, 绘制地质图和剖面图, 准备报告.
实习时间:1 - 6. Supervised internship with an approved cooperating business or government entity. 可以重复学习12个学时吗.
4091研究:1到6. Supervised re海rch with a faculty member in geosciences. 可以重复学习12个学时吗.
4181地球科学讲座(1-0). A course designed to introduce students to various geoscience topics and to encourage discussion and exchange of ideas amongst the geoscience majors and faculty. 可以在主题变化时重复一次.
Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of the instructor.
4191,4291,4391研究. Individual re海rch problems for students seeking a minor in geology. May be repeated for a total of six semester credit hours.
地球物理学概论(3-0). This course is an introduction to the geophysical methods used to explore the Earth’s subsurface with an emphasis on application. Topics include seismicity, ground penetrating radar, magnetics, gravity, and resistivity. (Credit may not be earned for this course and 物理 4300.)
前提条件:地质学1303/1103 and Mathematics 2413.
4303行星地质学(3-0). A capstone study of terrestrial objects including planets, 卫星, and asteroids to describe and understand the past evolution and current dynamic state of planetary surfaces. Major topics include planetary evolution and differentiation, and surface morphology as an expression of internal dynamics, 大气, 火山活动, 还有撞击坑.
4304火山学导论(3-0). Introduction to the physical and 化学 properties of magma, 包括岩浆生成, 上升, 存储, 以及喷发机制. 火山的类型, 火山灾害, 火山监测, and the effect of volcanoes on 气候 change will also be discussed.